The Informatics and Computer Engineering (ICT) Department of the Jakarta State Polytechnic in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the WIR Group held the Introduction to Metaverse in Indonesia (Metaverse 101) Batch 3. This activity was also a public lecture for the Informatics Engineering Study Program for the ICT Department.

In his remarks the Deputy Director for Cooperation, Dr. Dewi Yanti Liliana, S. Kom., M. Kom. representing the Director of the Jakarta State Polytechnic conveyed that the leadership of the Jakarta State Polytechnic would like to thank all parties so that the Public Lecture Introduction to Metaverse in Indonesia (Metaverse 101) Batch 3 can be held. He also conveyed that a public lecture that presented industry practitioners was one of the main performance indicators for tertiary institutions, namely indicator 4, so that the leadership really supports and facilitates industrial practitioners to teach at PNJ. As is well known, industrial practitioners are people who have direct experience in the scientific field and are also broad, so they are very familiar with conditions in the field.

The activity of bringing industry practitioners to teach directly at tertiary institutions is one of a series of independent learning programs initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology. With the independent learning program can open barriers in tertiary institutions. In the past, college only studied on campus with lecturers, now students can have the opportunity to study off campus, can take courses outside the study program for three semesters, for example, there are students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering who register to study at the ICT Department. "Once again PNJ thanks the Ministry of Communication and Informatics for bringing in resource persons or lecturers from industry practitioners, I hope that further collaboration between the two parties in contributing can be continued," said Dewi Yanti.

In his remarks also Dr. Said Mirza Pahlevi M.T Eng. as Acting Head of the Center for Research and Development of Resources, Equipment, and Implementation of Post and Information Technology of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics conveyed that the activities carried out by Thematic Academy Digital Talent Scholarship of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics aim to introduce or provide an overview to the public regarding the application of the metaverse in Indonesia.

Currently the application of metaverse technology is growing, companies are competing with each other in developing the metaverse both in the world and in Indonesia. A number of technology companies are currently competing to develop the metaverse or virtual world. This is in line with the development of the metaverse technology which has begun to affect aspects of the inter-economic life of individuals and several developments in other aspects. This development has been predicted so that it can be utilized by several sectors in Indonesia including tourism, education, trade, and others.

The success of the adoption process which is closely related to the development of this technology is influenced by the readiness of human resources in Indonesia in developing and utilizing it. Therefore the Ministry of Communication and Information through the Thematic Academy Digital Talent Scholarship wants to answer this need as an initial provision to introduce or provide an overview to the public regarding the application of the metaverse, especially in Indonesia.

The highlight of the introduction of Metaverse was given by speakers from WIR Group/Nusameta namely Pungkas Riandika (Metaverse Marketplace Lead), Adhi Wahyudi (Web3 Community Officer), Aldi Rahardja (Head of Blockchain), Idan Abdillah (Marcomm Executive), and assisted by Rio Melvin (IT) Support and Simulation).

The topics presented were Discover Metaverse, Work & Research in Metaverse, Concerns & Challenges in Metaverse, Blueprint & Augmented Reality Platform Practices as well as group divisions for participants to practice directly so that they know the participants' understanding of the metaverse. Students are challenged by making an overview of metaverse development projects in Indonesia.

The participants were very enthusiastic and happy in this public lecture, seen from the many students who understand and can make cases for the development of the metaverse in Indonesia. One group of participants explained that they wanted to create "Dufan Online" which aims to provide experience for the public to be able to experience Dufan virtually. By using metaverse (VR/AR) technology, the rides in Dufan can be made that can be experienced in the virtual world, so that people can experience the rides as they really are even though they are not present directly at Dufan. From an economic point of view, this will benefit both Dufan and the people who will enjoy the amusement rides at Dufan but have not had time to come to Dufan in person.


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